Tuesday, 4 October 2011


This summer I have been working on my business idea. It is going well but im taking my time on it so that I can do other things this year too.
Last week was freshers week. I signed up for a few sports clubs but I'm still deciding which to go for because I don't have time to do them all :(. I'm attending a radio talk tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to get involved with the production side of the uni radio station! I also put my name down for more volunteer work, business workshops and I will be attending a careers fair.
Its been a few days since the course officially started now and we have already been given a lot of work which I am excited about! I am going to do more sound work this year since last year I did a lot of Producer work.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Creative Business Course

Yesterday I came across the Creative Business course that CCAD Hartlepool is offering to their graduates. I read the information but it said that you needed to apply before the 1st June. I emailed the lady and asked if any places were left and I was lucky! I am attending it next Monday and the following two Mondays. This will be really helpful for the business I am thinking of setting up so I am looking forward to it!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011


A lot has happened since my last post. All of my work was handed in, I have had my feedback, we have had our Cineworld show and we're half way through the degree show. I am doing my shift of the degree show today and tomorrow with Charlotte.

I received good feedback and its looking like im aiming at a strong 2:1 which I am happy with. It is an improvement from last year so I hope to improve that even more next year by taking what I have learned to the next level.

I was unsuccessful in my Admin job interview but I Volunteered with Middlesbrough Council, helping them with Intro festival. I am volunteering for the Mela too.
I am looking into setting up my own business which I am going to trial next year and I am setting up a record label with my fellow band member.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

professional studies

In professional studies, I have been given an extension because of the double booking of the edit suite. The folder still has to be in on the Wednesday as normal but I am editing my show reel on the Thursday and handing that in on Friday before 12 noon.

Today we went to Hartlepool to see the business area. Starting up a business is something that I have been thinking about for after Teesside so it is useful to know that this is available as an option.

We also looked at the area we will have for our end of year show so we are having a meeting about that soon.

I am going to upload my show reel to my blog after next Friday when I have finished it.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


The deadline for our specialism module is tomorrow. The music that the composer made for us has been added today and it is looking really nice.

After the deadline I am going to Teesside for a crimestoppers meeting because I put my name down to volunteer. I heard you can get involved in different areas such as promotion and media.

Next week is our Professional Studies deadline and it is our last one this year. I was supposed to be editing my show reel today all day but there was a mistake and Lee and I were double booked. I called Mike and he said he would give me my day back next week so I am happy about that.

Over the weekend I recorded some foley sound at home on the P2. I had fun with this but I ran out of space on the card so hopefully there is a lot I can use for my show reel.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

careers appointment 2!

On Thursday and Friday we were filming Jess' specialism. I was recording the sound. It went really well and I enjoyed it but I had to leave a little bit early both days (due to work and a gig). I stayed as long as possible though but unfortunately these were unavoidable circumstances.

I went to see the careers advisor again today. She gave me more information about things to get involved in. Since seeing her the first time I have registered with Voluntees, emailed a company about some experience (but they didn't have any available places), applied for an admin job at the University which is available for full time students of Teesside (which we were not sure if I was classed as, but I applied anyway), I applied for training at CVFM, applied to work on Click Radio, emailed Tees Music Alliance about volunteer work and got in contact with a festival being held in Stockton later this year. I am also applying for a filming project that is on the voluntees website. Hopefully some of these will respond to my requests. Jane (the advisor) also made notes on my CV's and give me a book about creative CVs to look at.

I am really glad I went to see her. It has helped clear my head and know a little bit more what I want to do in the future after only an hour and a half with her.

I have my Teesside University interview on May 17th so I am preparing for that. I have two more deadlines, one in a week and one the week after. Tomorrow I am going to try and book the equipment out so I can record some foley sound for my show reel (which I'm editing on Tuesday). If the equipment is available for me to book out, I am also going to take it to band practice on Thursday and set it up to record us rehearsing (anything to record some extra sound!)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


For a few years I have been thinking about what I want to do for my career when I leave education. I would love to go into TV / Film but when I think about geographical limitations and stability I have to keep options open. I was told about the careers department of Teesside so I decided to book an appointment with the careers advisor at the university on Monday. It was a 45 minute talk about what I am doing, what I want to do, what I want out of life, experience etc. She told me I was definitely employable to most employers because of my transferable skills and interests which was good to hear, and she also told me that I need to be less modest because I am underselling myself on my CV. I ran out of time in the appointment so I have booked another one for next week. I have been looking at volunteering opportunities working with young people, the community and organisations making films. I am really glad I went, it has been really helpful (even though I havent finished talking to her about everything). I think my issue is that I have so many interests I just need to focus on one area and just go for it but I need to know I am making the right decisions, which I know she cant make for me, but she definitely knows how to help make sense of everything.

I have put all of this research in my professional studies folder because it is all part of career deciding.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

almost easter...

On Wednesday we had our Contextual Studies deadline. My essay was about 'The study of Realist Theory and Diegesis in British New Wave (and other similar film drama), in relation to personal practices'. It was linked to the presentation I did the Wednesday before. I enjoyed researching into British New Wave, Realism and Diegesis. It is the first proper essay I have done because the last time I did one was when I was in year 10 at school! Dennis from the LRC was very helpful when it came to research. He pointed me in the direction when I started and a teacher of another subject overheard me talking about journals so she give me a catalogue of articles online!
On Wednesday morning before I went into college to hand in my essay and folder, I finished my personal statement on UCAS. I just have to wait until Di has finished my reference and then I can pay and send it off.
Today I started my edit for my show reel. I have one more day booked in, which is the day before the specialism deadline.

Yesterday I had a look at the specialism edit. It is looking really good! I can't wait to see it finished.

Friday, 1 April 2011

post production!

Boiled or fried has been filmed. Two days of studio shoots and 3 short days of location work. I have to say it has been very enjoyable and completely stress-free! It is half way through the edit and I am working on the real budget (along with work from two other modules, so it is not all relaxed). It is looking good so far!
Goathland was on Monday 6pm-9pm and it went dark very suddenly! We think we have managed to avoid any continuity problems with daylight so it shouldn't affect the finished film. At All Saints Church on Tuesday went well and the only issue really was the sound of buses outside, but we just re shot if a bus ruined it (we didn't have a lot of shots to do anyway). On Wednesday we filmed at Preston Park (the Victorian street) and the only issue again was to do with sound because there was a boiler or something near by which was very loud but I recorded wild track and the voices of the actors to cover us (even though music is going to be played over it is best to be safe). I am really excited to see the finished film!

I had my seminar presentation yesterday which went quite well. In my feedback I found that I came across nervous which is something I will work on for furture presentations (I just need to speak louder because I didn't feel nervous at all). I had a long conversation with Dennis from the LRC about British New Wave, Realism and Diegesis, which is what my essay is about, and he give me lots of information to look up. I took out a few more books and DVD's and I have found some useful Journals. A lady that came into the LRC overheard mine and Dennis' conversation and went to find me some information on more access to journals and told me to have a look at the available stuff from the Nottingham University website! I was very grateful that they went out of their way and spent time chatting to me about it. I have finished my plan, which is quite an in depth plan really, so it is all ready to type up.

I have emailed someone about some work on a film that is going to be made this summer. It is unpaid but it is local-ish and he said he is willing to work with students if they have experience. So I have sent him my CV and hopefully I will hear from him soon whether I have been recruited onto his crew or not. I have been looking for more work too as a lot of websites update regularly.

I had my feedback from multi-camera today and I am quite happy with my mark. It is not set in stone so it could go up or down slightly but I am looking at around a high 2:1. I agreed with what pulled me down from a first and I know what to change next time! I was told my research and folder was really good (especially my sound design paperwork)!

I have been keeping myself really busy. I have joined two pool teams (Rileys Angels and Cleveland County) and a band called Polachis. These committments on top of work and college have helped with my organisational skills and confidence! I am applying for the top up at Teesside even though I originally decided I didn't want to because I might regret it if I don't and it's too late. Plus, I can still build up my experience and look for work.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


So after the first two studio shoots with Boiled or Fried everything looks like it is coming together. The edit apparently looks great! So I cannot wait to see it!

Today and yesterday I was recording sound for Jess's specialism.
The sound stopped working yesterday and I had to go to Richard where it started working again! This was quite annoying but it has been the only issue so far regarding sound.

We have been given a week extention on our presentations and essays because tomorrows lesson is cancelled. My presentation was supposed to be tomorrow. I have done mine on props and locations using existing films as a case study aligning in terms of Realist theory and diegesis.

I have just been working on my professional studies and contextual studies folder as the second part of Boiled or Fried is up to date.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

studio shoot finished!!

On Monday and Tuesday we had our studio shoots for Boiled or Fried. They went really well and the actors were amazing. It was a very relaxed shoot and the only problems we seemed to have came down to changing the batteries and putting the footage on the Mac when the P2 card was full.

I recorded the sound in stereo for the first time ever. I asked Richard how to do it and ended up using tie wraps to cross the rifle mics over each other. I kept the sound log and put down what I did for each shot and the timecodes. The track and dolly caused a few sound issues but we managed to get around it by trying different positions. We finished early on Monday because the card was full but because we had a big day scheduled for Tuesday we weren't panicing. Tuesday we finished about 30 minutes before we were scheduled to finish which was good.

I think the shoot went really well and we have had a preview of some of the shots on the edit and the sound and camera look good. I can't wait to film the locations and see the edit come together.

I am recording the sound for Jess's Specialism next week. I also have my presentation next Wednesday.

I am going to get some extra sounds recorded for both films to add to the edit eg, sound of a clock.

The location shoots are on the 28th, 29th and 30th March. I was considering doing another specialism and record a band but I have decided against this at this time because we have so much going on I would rather work harder on the projects I am currently committed to.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

first day of specialism production tomorrow

This past week has been mainly preparing for the studio shoot tomorrow and Tuesday. We have been looking around for props, I bought Harrys suit, we put the set up and I made all of the schedules. I have told the actors to come in for 11:30 because it will give us enough time to dress the set. I am looking forward to it! I have just finished the schedules for Tuesdays shoot so I can hand them out tomorrow.

I think we are all ready to go. It will be tight trying to get everything into the two days but I am confident we can do it. Everyone knows what is going on so lets hope it all goes to plan.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

mainly an update on specialism

So... with the locations secured, actors secured and equipment booked, I just need to finish the paper work (call sheets etc) and email them out. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. After the lesson with Mike, Sophie and I are going to the 1950s charity shop which is in Darlington. I am going to have a look for both specialism and contextual studies because my seminar presentation is going to be on props for old films.

I also need to visit Preston Park tomorrow to have my location release form signed. I have permission by email but I want to do everything properly.

Then when we come back to college we will be starting on the set build.

We were supposed to go to the Charity shop full of 50's items and costumes on Tuesday but I agreed to reschedule it because Sophie was very busy (she is working on more projects than me, had her presentation to finish and probably a lot more things).

Today we watched some seminar presentations and then I filled in the national students survey. I have also nearly completed my UCAS form for my application to Teesside University.

I received some news this morning that I have been selected for my jury service. I have requested for it to be deferred and I hope they grant me the permission as I have major projects due at the same time as they expect me to serve. Fingers Crossed.

On Monday I went prop shopping with Sophie and Jess down town. We didn't end up buying anything but it has give me a good idea for when I go shopping at the end of the week.

Yesterday we had a session with Di and we did work on character development etc which was helpful.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

meeting with the other actor and location update!

At 5pm yesterday we had a meeting with the other Richard. He was perfect for the role. He had done a similar scene with our main female actor before a few years ago and they are friends so they will work great together! He is free, flexible, he doesn't care what we do to his hair for the film, he is friendly, very interested and experienced. We decided to cast him so I had the job of emailing the other Richard to say sorry but you didn't get the part.

After Richard left I went down to the studio to ask Jen (who was in college for Peters project) to fill in the costume size form, contact information and the contract. We arranged to do it there and then so that she could save a journey.

This morning I woke up to an email from NYRM with permission to film at Goathland!
I emailed a location release form which she is going to sign and email back. They are very friendly and helpful!

At college Kass, Jo and Steve had their contextual studies seminar presentations. I have an idea of what to do and I'm quite looking forward to making a start on mine this weekend.

I emailed the Church that Sophie wanted and have received permission to film there. I have arranged with them to get my release form signed tomorrow or Friday if I cannot make it tomorrow.

I am going to call Preston Park tomorrow to ask them for permission to film on the old fashioned street they have.

I emailed Jen the day we're filming because on the contract it said 28th, 29th or 30th March. But now Goathland have confirmed we now know we're filming on Monday 28th.

It has been a good few days, we have all of our actors and all but one of our locations. The main thing now is that we need to go prop shopping and Costume shopping. Everything is on the schedule though so it's running smoothly. Lets hope it keeps that way!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

meeting more actors and the Teesside talk

This morning I came in early to print off the script for the actor and to start the updated schedule. I met Richard at reception at 11am and we went to the seminar room to have a chat with Sophie (the Director). He read a line so we had an idea if he was good for the part. He is an equity actor with quite a bit of experience.

We had someone from Teesside University come in to talk to us about the third year. He showed us a few films and told us how to apply.

I printed off the forms for Jen and Richard, two actors that I am meeting this evening. Jen has already got the role of Sarah because we have worked with her before and know she is ideal. We are meeting Richard for the first time so the role of Harry will go to one of the Richards that we will have met by the end of today.
I have give Sophie a contract and some questions for her dad to fill in because he is our Vicar.

In one of the films shown earlier today was a street location which was filmed at Preston Park. This is a potential location for us so I will get in contact with them about that.

I have a second version of the schedule. It is not complete yet but it gives a good idea of what needs to be done each day.

Monday, 28 February 2011

weekend specialism update

Last Thursday I was off ill but I managed to get a lot of work done.

We are meeting Richard, the equity actor, on Tuesday at 11am. I am going to catch Jen for a few minutes when she's available tomorrow because she is filming with Peter. We were meeting Angela for a hair and make-up practice on Monday at 4pm, which she rearranged to 5pm. I have had to text her to reschedule because we won't have much time with auditions which are being held tonight...

The railway sent an email with a few questions which I replied to. I am still waiting for their response.

Angela give me the number of an actor that she thinks would be ideal for the part of Harry. His name is Richard, but it is a different Richard. He isn't equity. He is very interested and we're meeting him on Tuesday at 5pm.

Sophie doesn't want an equity actor but I am not going to cancel any meetings just to be on the safe side.

Sophie went through the prop list with me and we ticked off more stuff that she has already got. I made a schedule over the weekend. It is only a rough version and it needs editing.

I have had a few replies from actors saying they cannot make it.

At the moment I am just waiting for emails and just doing general research and getting prepared for the shoot.

I am also going to start the work on my contextual studies seminar.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

specialism update

Yesterday I spent a long time looking for copyright information on the song How D'ya Like Your Eggs in the Morning?. I didn't have much luck so I concentrated on actors. I contacted more male actors from equity, I had Peter Halpin reply but he is from London so it is not worth it. Richard emailed me, he is available and interested so I emailed him back.
We met Angela (the lady we were hoping to play Martha). She was very interested, available, experienced and friendly.
We had a script read through which was helpful.
Sophie mentioned that her dad would play the vicar as it is a small role.

Today I emailed Peter explaining in a nice way that he wasn't suitable.
I called the railway company and was put through to someone who knew how to go about getting permission. I had to call them back but when I did they give me the email address of the man in charge of filming permissions. I emailed him so I am just waiting on a reply.
I sent an email to Jen (I text her last night explaining I would email today) with the script and details.
I updated my cast list and tried to search for music copyright again. I couldn't find anything again.
I am thinking of just using the back up song that Sophie had.

Thinking of going prop hunting on Friday with Jess.
I emailed the prop & costume list to Jess and Sophie.

Monday, 21 February 2011

specialism!! and London

Last Wednesday we went to London and came home on Friday. We went to The Production Show where lots of people from the industry gathered, networked and talked about equipment. I was given a few magazines and leaflets to read through. For the rest of the trip we went to a few museums, went sight seeing and went to watch Phantom of the Opera. It was a great trip!

Today it was the return to work. I read through the second draft of Boiled or Fried (Sophie's Specialism script) and made a chart with all the scenes, costumes, actors, locations, props and other needs. I checked with Sophie when she wanted to film and I booked the equipment out.

I started looking for male actors. I emailed a few but I have only had one reply so far which was from an agent saying she has passed the details on and she will contact me as soon as she know's. Sophie had already found her Female actor and we're meeting her tomorrow at 5pm. I will then take over with the actor. I need to contact Jen too.

I called Goatham railway but they confused me when they asked me to send them a pass. I emailed them asking exactly what is needed and how I go about acquiring a pass for permission. I then went to Redcar to look at the station there. I took a picture. It looks okay from certain angles because you can't tell it is modern. I made a visit to Middlesbrough Station. This wasn't very good because it is full of advertisments and you can see the new college in the background! However, the lady at the enquiries desk give us a timetable because it had a list of stops from Middlesbrough to Whitby and apparently a few of them are old. I will have a look tomorrow.

I have completely dropped out of Jordan's Mountain bike film because he has done everything so far. He know's exactly where he wants to film and who he wants in the film. I don't think having me produce would benefit his production. If anything, I would probably get in the way. My tutor agreed with me so I let Jordan know. Sophie's is a big project so I will need to concentrate on that.

Tomorrow I hope to contact more actors and locations. I will make sure there is a start on props and costumes. We only have a few weeks so I can't waste any time.

Monday, 14 February 2011


Sophie give me a location list and a prop list so I can begin to work on finding everything. I am going to make a schedule over the next few days (which will probably change slightly) and a checklist.
It is going to be difficult planning a schedule for Jordan's but I will give it a go even if it has to change.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Last night I printed off the updated version of my CV and packed everything away. I have a media CV; a letter head; a compliment slip; a business card; an envelope and a DVD case / CD template. On my box I have my logo printed onto a sticker to make it clear it is mine.

I have been watching down hill  mountain biking for Specialism research. Sophie said she will have her script by Monday.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

After our week off we returned to a new timetable. Our Specialism module has officially started. I am now fully Producing Sophie's Boiled or Fried film set in 1951 rather than co-Producing. I am still Producing Jordan's specialism but he might be changing it from a climbing film to a down hill mountain bike film. I am happy to Produce either but we just need the decision making soon because I have already made a start with Sophies! I am recording Sound for Sophie and Jess. I chose not to specialise in sound because I think Producing will challenge me more but I still enjoy it so thought it'd be a good idea to agree to the sound role.

I put my name down for one of the last slots for the Contextual Studies seminar presentation. Mine is going to be focused on the 1951 Props side of the Specialism so it will take a lot of preparation and I am comfortable with writing my essay up in a shorter amount of time.

Today we had a group crit on our Live Projects. Mine seemed to have good feedback, I just had some recommended changes mentioned, which I was aware of anyway.

The deadline for the Graphics Package is tomorrow. I just need to change a few things and print everything again then I am ready for the hand in. I could have handed it in today but I think an extra few hours could benefit my package.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

graphics package

The other day I bought some 'posh' paper and photo paper for my letterheads, CV's and DVD cases. I printed my DVD case, letter head and compliment slip.
Today I made a trip to staples where I had my business cards printed.
I also bought a box to present everything. I am not sure if everything will fit but I'll find out over the next few days as I bring it all together. If not I will have to buy something else.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

live project folder deadline

I handed in my Live Project folder today. All my paperwork was done before we broke up for Christmas so it was just a case of re arranging everything and putting a contents page.

My tutorial the other day went well. My tutors agreed with me that I have become more confident since last year.

Next Wednesday we have the deadline for our graphics package so this week I will complete it and print everything off professionally and then that is the last hand in for a while.

Monday, 31 January 2011

BBC Blast showcase video link

This is the link to the showcase that I was Producer and Floor Manager for on my BBC Blast placement!


I have embedded it at the bottom of my blog too!

Multi-camera deadline and live project

This morning I came into college to print off a little bit of work that I would have done at home but I ran out of paper and ink!
I filed it then handed it in. I spent the weekend on my evaluation which I knew what to put because of my production diary.
Now I have just finished my evaluation for Live Project. I just need to collect work from Sam and Charlotte and type up the budget (because it was handwritten).
I have to put my clients feedback in my folder and I think that is all. It doesn't need to be in till Wednesday but I want it complete before tonight so I can concentrate on sorting out my student finance and Professional Studies.
I have my tutorial soon.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Live and Multi-camera

I have started the budget for Multi-camera but I think I worked it out wrong so I am re doing it.
It would have cost at the least £23000 so far! And I am not finished. Plus I haven't included Studio hire and Production Managers.

Yesterday I made a letter (on my letterhead I designed for Professional Studies) to Steve my Live Client. In the letter it explained that it is a first edit and the finished would be presented professionally. I also made a feedback form for him to fill in. I dropped it off then the next day he came to my house to return it. He said he is very pleased with it. He only suggested a few minor changes (a few shots he would like brighter so you can see his book more clear). I let Peter know the good news. Now all I need to do is write my critical evaluation..

Thursday, 27 January 2011

So yesterday we watched the multi-camera project back. I am a bit disappointed with it because I know if we just had one more week we could have perfected it! But then again our idea was ambitious and not a simple idea. I made notes where sound went wrong and where my PA could have improved which I am going to write in my critical evaluation.
I forward the email that I receievd to my Live Client. I wanted to drop the DVD off but he had left the office so I am sending it on Friday. He know's I want the feedback before Saturday so I have time to write my evaluation.

Today we had a visitor give us a seminar on CV's. This was very useful because I noticed some things that could change on mine. My CV wasn't too bad but as a marketing tool I recognise it needs improving if I stand a chance receiving work when I leave.

I spoke to Sophie about the specialism. In yesterdays contextual studies tutorial Diane suggested that I could look into props and the diegesis of the period piece that I am Co-Producing.

I am finishing the budget for Multi-camera right now. Then I am going to start on my evaluation.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Live Project Deadline!

Our Projects need to be in in 45 minutes!!
It is okay though because I handed mine in at 3pm yesterday.

Peter Silk and Dan Harris (Director and Editor) tweaked my project, I went in and give feedback then after a few more hours it was complete. We put it on the master DV tape and I made a few copies on DVD. I didn't make 10 because Peter Silk wanted to put it on his hard drive instead and I will only give the actors their copy when all changes have been made. Either today or tomorrow I am going to give my client his copy and I will ask for some written feedback so I can then start my critical evaluation (I already have a rough evaluation but it needs setting out and a conclusion).
I put Sams Zombie Wool Room on DV and DVD and handed that in too. I wanted to avoid the stress of deadline morning when everyone is running about. When I receive feedback from the client I can then start working on the re edit.

Last night I was given some feedback on my blog from an ex-student who I did work experience with. I have printed it out and I am going to improve my blog over the next few weeks!

I have my Contextual Studies tutorial soon. I have printed off my proposal form with the associated research expanded. I have also printed off some of my research. It is not good research so far but over the next few weeks it will advance.

Today I think we have the opportunity to watch the Multi-camera project as a group. I am looking forward to this as I want to know where we went right and wrong.
I am going to be working a little bit on each module and I hope to finish my critical evaluations by Friday.

Monday, 24 January 2011

sunday / monday

Yesterday I did more work on my graphics package. I made my DVD case. I found that the easiest way to make one was to open a word document, turn it to landscape and put a border around the page. All the default settings make it the same size as a DVD case. All the templates I found didn't look very accurate.

I asked my family for feedback and they all said that the new letter heads, business cards and DVD cases etc looked better than the old ones (without them knowing which was the upadted version).

This morning, after sorting Student Finance out with my mum (there's been a problem with my loans and grants) I arrived at college 30 minutes later than I intended to be there but got straight on with the edit for Sam's Zombie Wool Room. I did a rough edit, put music on it then tidied it up. I spent hours trying to blur the TV in the background in after effects. Richard came to help me but he couldn't figure out a way to do this without it looking a mess. In the end after trying I asked Sam what he thought would be best and he said to just leave it too.

Tomorrow Peter & Dan are going to complete my live edit and make the 10 DVD's that are needed.
I will put Sam's on DV and make how many DVD's he requires.

On Wednesday, we hand in our live project film. Then we're going to watch the multi-camera TV show.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

de rig / professional studies / live

On Thursday morning I joined some people in the studio who were starting the de-rig. We're getting assessed on our de rigging. I tidied up the gallery because it looked quite cluttered with scripts / pens etc. I put all paper in a big pile and didn't throw anything out so if anyone is looking for their work it is in there! I know some of it might have been very important. I then did the same in the sound booth. I boxed the radio mic's away and handed them back to Richard, I collected all the Dynamic & Rifle mic's, the stands and most of the cables (I couldn't access some because the set is in the way). I didn't think to wear some old clothes otherwise I would have helped with the painting! I walked in the studio wearing black and just saw about 5 people covered in white paint! I just cleaned what I could and then went upstairs to do some work.

In professional studies we were asked to lay our work out because we were going to go around each others graphic packages and give feedback. When I read the comments people made on mine, I agreed with them all (even though I didn't realise before the session what was missing) so it made me think how to improve it. The thing people commented about the most was that it was hard to read because of the colour and because it was too small. After the session I went on the computer and altered my logo slightly (with the help of Sam because I didn't know how to use photoshop properly, something I need to learn!). I made it darker, and removed the word 'productions' so that it was larger. I think I will keep the word productions in the title of my company but just not in my logo. This weekend I want to finish the design ready to take to staples or somewhere next week to be printed professionally.

This morning I was an extra for Sam's Wool Room Live Project. I am his Editor so if I went on his shoot I wouldn't have had a role so I volunteered to be a runner / extra. It involved me laying on a Wool Room duvet placed on the grass at Middlesbrough town centre on an icey day. As much as I regretted it at the time because I thought I was going to freeze to the floor, I am glad I helped out because I wouldn't like it if nobody helped me out one day just because of the weather conditions!

I have been experimenting with some software called Mixcraft 5. It is a music production software so that if I wanted to compose music for future projects I can. It also has a lot of royalty free sound effects for films. I don't know how useful it will be but it is fun regardless!

Lot's of deadlines coming up!
However, I paid for the London trip on Thursday so I am looking forward to that!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Live TV show!

This morning I arrived before 9am because we had someone come in to give us a talk about a survey. After this talk I went to the studio and made sure the sound was set up. I transfered my PA notes from my script with all notes on for every role onto the new group B only section of my 'production pack' because my script looked messy and would have caused confusion. We had a rehearsal. It went terrible! I was confused about timings because I wasn't sure whether to look at the VT times or my stop watch! Then my Director started calling out cues for floor manager / sound / lighting which was supposed to be coming from me which confused everyone, they listened to him and I didn't know what to do because he called it 45 seconds early. I knew what and when to cue so this made things hard. The sound wasn't very good. We couldn't hear anything in the gallery. The lighting was okay because it is quite a simple set up. Camera was okay once I turned up the volume on the head set. This was very worrying. Hours from the show and it was an awful rehearsal. However, I had the sound issue sorted and I told my Director not to speak to anyone on my behalf and to just trust me that my timings are accurate. He assured me it wouldn't happen again. The actors arrived (all but David, Stanley Buttons). We had an actor run through which was the opportunity to have all sound people in the gallery and I went through exactly what was needed until they understood and definitely knew how to work everything and what to do if a mic fails. The sound issue was resolved, I had all input levels set which give the best sound I could possibly have. David (Stanley Buttons) still wasn't there after the rehearsal. I called his house number. His wife give me his mobile number which was switched off when I called. This was very worrying but luckily he eventually arrived!
Make-up and costumes were put on and everyone was preparing. I did a last sound check to confirm that my levels were fine. The 15 minutes lead up were very scary. I stayed as focused and calm as possible and told my sound assisstant exactly what to expect (he knew from previous rehearsals but this time no mistakes were allowed).

My first section (sound) went okay. My mic's didn't peak, all sound in the gallery / studio was clear and the music was cue'd on time. I think the only issue was I cut the sound from the VT a split second too fast causing some sound to be cut off. I cut exactly when the PA said 'we're live' so I don't know why this happened. But it is not a major issue.

Group B which I was PA for went well too. I cue'd everything, we started on time and finished on time. I did have to use the 'air guitar' cue which the actors knew meant leave the rest of the script, say 'ah I've had enough of this, lets just get to the music' I cue's the lights to go down then the music started. This was just so that my section finished on time. Hannah (Christine Charles) didn't manage to get her shirt off in time but it didn't really matter. I was happy with how this section went.

For group C I was on lighting. I only had two cues. I had to solo bus 9 when the judge spoke once. Then solo / flash bus 19 (the red gel) when the alarm was going off. I liked how the music and lights stopped at exactly the same time.

For group D I was on camera 2. This went okay too. No problems from what I know of.

I can't wait to watch it back and see where we went wrong / where we improved over time. The past few rehearsals we have had have been a bit of a disaster. I think we all had a bit of a panic but when it came to the actual show everyone performed really well and worked great as a team!

The floor manager thanked the audience, we sent them upstairs for refreshments and had cast / crew photographs. Everyone was relieved that it went smoothly. I then had to quickly drive home and bring the flowers and chocolates Charlotte and I bought for Jess and Sophie for being really good Production managers. We appreciate how hard they worked to bring the show together. They stayed up late / made schedules / sorted out problems / motivated people and supported us all. We wouldn't have had a show if it wasn't for them so we had to get them something as a thank you. When I returned, the studio was locked up (I wanted to collect the mic's up) so I have to start de rigging in the morning instead.

Tomorrow, Mike wants to see our graphics package. All I need is a compliment slip and my DVD template updating.

I always said I would miss multi-camera when it is over. I have enjoyed it so much! Big thank you to Mike and Richard. And well done everyone!!!!!


Yesterday we had a meeting at 09:30 where we raised any issues / questions and Sophie and Jess told us about a schedule they made for the run up to the show and after the show. We then went down and did some work. I had set up my mic's on Friday so it was just about setting levels etc.
We had a crew rehearsal before the actors arrived. It was an okay rehearsal. Not all sounds were on the IPod and some cues were missed but overall it flowed and finished on time. When the actors arrived they had a run through. I timed my section and it was over by 1 minute 30! So I have to make sure the actors speed up and I made a back up plan. The back up plan is if I need to go into the main song (to finish on time), I count Kass (floor manager) in and he does an air guitar for the actors which means stop acting from the script and just cut to main song. The sound issue was brought up about tapping on the witness stand. One of the actors is going to bring in some spare carpet on Wednesday. I did some painting and did some PA / sound notes till 21:00 then went home.
This morning I got on with work until the actors came. We had a full dress rehearsal. I had all my levels the same as yesterday so it was fine. There was a VT issue. No sound was playing. Everyone was asking me but I had everything set how it was supposed to so we're going to ask Richard about that in the morning (it was only the opening, everything else was fine). The sound was going okay until Childrens TV section. Half way through I cut Rosies and Mr Tiddlywinks mic off because there was too much banging so I used the back-up rifle mic on the ceiling. The sound improved a lot!... My PA role went really bad too. I had to count the main song in (which meant cutting some of the script) but as I was counting down I was interupted and my Director started to be the PA which confused everyone and made my timing go wrong. Peter and I had a talk about that though and we have it sorted so it won't happen on the live show. It affected Sophies section a little bit so it definitely can't happen!
My lighting role went well and camera went okay too.
After rehearsals I went in the sound room and changed the set up. I took out mic 6 and 7, put mic 8 in mic 6 then assigned all mic's to G7&8 so it is easier. The sound assisstant will find the song on the Ipod and play it when the sound person (who is wearing the head set) tells them to stand by and cue (which the PA will tell the sound person). I stuck tape all over the sound desk so that everyone knows what they can and can't press. It just prevents silly mistakes because after my section, I put all the levels down and when Karl was in the next, he thought he was ready and waiting but no sound could be heard because he didn't check the levels. This should be avoided in the live show with the tape there! I have also put signs saying do not touch the set up because as soon as we do a sound check, nothing can be altered. I updated the sound design paperwork and everything is simplified as much as possible!
I have to get my sheets binded in the morning that I have just printed. It has sound paperwork, PA notes then lighting notes so that during the live show I have everything I need in one pack. We are meeting at 09:00, the show starts at 16:00.
David (Stanley Buttons) should be coming tomorrow. He didn't reply to my email so I called him. He couldn't make it today because of the school run he had to do. He said he will try and get in for 12 tomorrow but might be 13:00. 12:00 is the new time for actors to arrive because we need technical run throughs more than cast rehearsals. Hannah (Christine Charles), my other actor that I am in charge of, seem's happy. I have been looking after her making sure she's comfortable and everything. She has done great in the rehearsals considering she only got the script less than two weeks ago!

I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am quite nervous but I am more excited about it!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

on Thursday I got on with my work for multi-camera then we had a Professional studies lecture. In this lecture we got through quite a lot on the future of film funding wise, a little bit about graphics package's which Mike wants us to show him on Thursday. Up to now I have a letter head, a business card and a DVD case. Before next week I want to finish my DVD case and a compliment slip. My live project has been put on hold for a little bit. Peter and Dan haven't finished the tweaks yet but as long as it is done next week I am happy. And while they're doing that I will make a feedback sheet for my client ready for when I hand him it.

On Friday I put up all the mics and taped the cables down. I logged what mics went into what cables, what number on the wall box and which characters will be using them. I went through my script giving each character a number in relation to which mic they will be using. We have 7 microphones (1 rifle mic on the ceiling to pick up more than one character and as a back up, 2 radio clip mics and 4 dynamic microphones).
I updated my mic cue sheet. I had my script and actor pack for Stanley Buttons binded. I met him on the morning and he seems very friendly and he is a good actor for Stanley Buttons!
Hannah and James came in to have a read through which I timed. We also filmed Detective Law's VT which I was on camera for. We finished in time for the college to close. We quickly tidied away our equipment, shut down the studio and left.

During the weekend I have updated my mic plot sheet. On monday I need to have a technical with the sound people and make more PA notes during the final 3 rehearsals. It is coming along and I am getting more excited for the show.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

less than one week left

We had a contextual studies lecture on Ideology this morning. It was really interesting because I love learning about the theory side to film. Especially film and history.
After this lecture we had a break, I did some painting to help out even though it's not my role I wanted to do something different. I then set up for the actor rehearsal. I changed a bit of the sound design again. I have assigned VT to G1&2 and Ipod to G3&4. This might make it easier for the people on sound. After a while Peter and I went upstairs and did a readthrough with Detective Law - I timed his lines. Joanne read Christine for us.
I then finished the work I was doing before heading back down to the studio, I had a chat with some people about VT, SFX etc. Tomorrow I am going to make sure I get as much done as possible. We have less than a week remaining and this is quite worrying.
I have re organised my folder because I hadn't done it since before Christmas holidays and it was getting messy so tomorrow I am ready for a busy organised day!

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


I emailed everyone in group B reminding them about the rehearsals today, I also sent the risk assessment and information they needed.
I arrived in this morning (Peter was busy printing so I put the rehearsals back by 30 minutes). It took far too long to start the rehearsals and I think some people might have started getting annoyed which is understandable so we can't let that happen again. If they were our actors it would not have been good!

During the rehearsal, we had a few problems cuing sound in on time, no sound played etc. I stopped the stop watch at 13 minutes 50 before we even did the main song. It was a little disaster but we learned from it. I need all of the VT material before I can make accurate PA notes. We found that the music was working so that was a human error apparently.

After dinner Mike had group A Director, Steven, go through step by step what he wanted. We wanted to do all of the groups but because my group had an actor coming in at 4pm we had to leave it for another day.
We set up for Hannah coming. I called Stanley Buttons (the number Jordan give me about an hour earlier) but he was out. I will try again tomorrow because it is too late now.

Hannah arrived. We recorded her 2nd unit VT material on one of the studio cameras. Then Peter and I went upstairs to have a script read through and to let her know step by step what he wants. I give her contracts to sign (she signed one last Friday but it had Graces name crossed out so I wanted a special copy for Hannah) and the rehearsal dates / times, contact information, information sheet, group B section of the script and I am emailing the full new script soon (she has the old draft). She read the lines really well and is still interested and wants to help out which is good news.
Karl came in with some bad news. He was going to edit the 2nd unit VT that we'd just recorded but it hadn't recorded onto the tape. We apologised to Hannah and we had to re record it. She was happy to do it again. This time we used a Panasonic P2 and made sure the settings were the compatible with the studio cameras.

Peter and I had a quick chat about how the day went. It was definitely a good day as for getting lots of work done and progressing.
I have just printed off my blog for my professional studies folder.

Tomorrow I need to contact Stanley Buttons. I also need to catch Detective Law while he is in to ask what rehearsals he can do with Hannah before Tuesday preferably. We are having a rehearsal, I need to go through Sound again with the Directors. I think we're slowly getting there. Hannah cannot make tomorrows rehearsals but we have organised Friday 15:30 until the college closes. Detective might not be able to make this but it is mainly for Hannah anyway as she has only had the script since Friday and we want her to have as many as possible.

Karl and I were in the sound room and we were thinking of assigning the dynamic mics to 1&2 the radio mics to 3&4 the VT to 5&6 and the ipod to 7&8. This is something I will have to go over with with Richard and Steve. I need to check with the Directors about the sound re design / issue.

Mike suggested using some of Karls Me, Myself and I footage from last year to add into my live project. I mentioned it to Peter but he hasn't seen it. He said he is going to finish my edit this Thursday so I will remind him. It is his decision in the end because he is the Director.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Friday 7th - Monday 10th

On Friday we met Hannah the new Christine Charles. She really wants to take part and will give singing a go (she has her grade 1 and sings in some university productions). We mentioned there was a possible part for the chick flick section but in the end the back up we had emailed for the musical section has a course on the day of the show. So Hannah can only be Christine now. She might not look the part as much as Grace did but she still looks good, she wants to help, has experience and says she won't let us down.

We did some sound checks and I repositioned some mics. I did a quick sound check with the VT music (we were originally intending to have a crew rehearsal but a lot of people were filming). There was a big Feedback  issue that needed to be resolved.

I wanted to help Jordan paint the set but I am not very good at painting!

I feel more at ease after speaking to Hannah. We asked her to come in on Tuesday to record her 2nd unit material and to have a rehearsal. She is coming in at 4pm with curly hair, makeup, a dress and a white shirt.

Detective Law cannot come in till Wednesday. Jordan found a Stanley Buttons and I have been nominated to look after him because I have the least amount of cast. I was suppose to be looking after security but because Jess's boyfriend is this character now we decided it would make more sense for her to keep in contact with him.

Over the weekend I did some paperwork for multi camera and I also designed a new logo for professional studies which I think is better.

Dan and Peter Silk have been editing my live project today. I had a look and it looks really good! I was recording sound for Charlottes wool room today too. I think the shoot went well.
I came back to the college and spoke to Richard about the feedback issue. He told me that there wasn't much we could do but give me advise which means a repositioning of the mics and using dynamics instead of rifles. I also tested the radio clip mic which the Detective Law will be wearing and possibly Christine Charles but I haven't decided yet. Lee has a copy of my cue sheet with bits crossed out that the Directors no longer want. I need to get this information down so I will have to see him after tonights rehearsals.

We are using an Ipod for skipping music/VT because the skip button on the CD player is broke. I have told Peter to use his spare Ipod too incase his breaks before the show! I now have the nickname 'Paranoid Producer' but it is best to be safe than sorry!

I think that is all for this update! So after this crew rehearsal I will be going home and doing some paperwork for future rehearsals. Updating the sound design, making notes on my new script and possibly do some work on Contextual and Professional Studies if I have time.

Friday, 7 January 2011

good news then bad news...

The sound design is complete. All I need to do is put the mics up then go through the sound design with the sound people. I went to Richard Popple to ask if I was doing the paper work correctly and he was amazed by what I had done and said it has been a very very long time since a student went as deep into the sound design as I have. So that has made me feel slightly good about it. I know there are going to be changes to the script but now theres paperwork there it won't take long to edit it slightly.

The very bad news was that Grace, my musical actor, dropped out yesterday. She told me she didn't read the contract or the schedules properly that I give her months ago. I remained in contact with her and asked her on a few occasions 'are you definitely still able to do the show' and she replied 'yes, definitely, I am looking forward to it'. So it wasn't my fault and it was something totally unexpected. I had a back up actor called Rachael. When we contacted her she said she would do it but then dropped out a few hours later.
I wasn't in the best of moods! I was very worried. The important thing was to find an actor, anyone, and fast!!!
I stayed up all night and contacted loads of people. Family members, Teesside University TV&film students, friends who go to performing groups, old friends that went to performing arts college... anyone I could get in contact with that time in the night.
My brothers friends friend (who has just graduated from Teesside with his degree in TV & film production) recommended a 'very reliable lady' called Hannah. I sent her an email and I received a text about ten minutes later saying she wanted to take part and would be available.

This morning when I mentioned hannahs name to Charlotte, she said 'I have worked with her before!!' and she confirmed that she is very reliable. We don't know if she will look the part (I don't know what she looks like yet) but at the moment things are looking good. We meet her tomorrow at 1430. Hopefully she won't be scared off (I am going to try and make her feel comfortable) and she will still be interested. (We are also having a crew meeting / rehearsal tomorrow at 11:00 - 14:30)

I thought Grace was going to be reliable (because she is almost like family to me) so it goes to show that anything can happen! So I am being very careful now and thinking of solutions for everything. Hopefully I don't need another back up but I think it is wise to have one anyway. Which is why we have got in contact with an equity actor that is in Peter Silks Waterwoman shoot. We don't know if Hannah can sing yet. This might be another thing that might put her off.

Fingers crossed though that Hannah will still be up for it and available and everything runs smoothly!
It has been a very hectic and emotional few days but it is less than two weeks away so we have to work hard and think logically /realistically. Important decisions are going to have to be made and team work at this stage is vital!

I am excited and nervous! I find this module fun and challenging at the same time! It reminds me of BBC Blast and producing the showcase. But this is bigger!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

back to college...

we had a meeting this morning about actors dropping out, new actors, changes that might need to be made, issues, and jobs that still need to be done. I had a meeting with Peter Silk my Director and suggested removing the extras from the script because as much as I have been trying, I cannot find people that want to dance in the show. I have tried contacting Dance studios, Dance classes, asked actors, asked people I know that are into Drama/Dance and no luck. One company replied to my email stating that most of their students are really young but that they would ask the few older students that they have. I think it is getting very close to the show now so the best solution would be to have no extras. Peter reluctantly agreed. I know it is not ideal but it is not realistic and we have far more important things to get on with. Such as our rehearsals. I have emailed all the crew that have roles for group B and made a call sheet. I am going to send that as soon as I secure some people from the course to act. This rehearsal will be on Friday. I have also got in contact with Grace for Kassim to film the 2nd unit material. She is available on Thursday at 17:30. I sent the message on behalf of Kass and he will arrange all of the call sheets etc.

There's only two weeks left before the live show. I am still in the process of designing the sound. It is almost finished but I need Steven (the other sound designer) to let me know his thoughts, then we can put our ideas together and produce the final draft of the paperwork to hand out to the sound people.

It was good to have some time off but I am ready for lots of work. I just printed off the work I did over the holidays and I think everything is coming together. I suppose I was lucky to get my Live project close to finished before we broke up as it was one less thing on my mind. We are hoping to complete the final edit by this week so that I can hand copies to the actors and client. I also intend to make a feedback form for my client as part of my evaluation because it will be finished well before the college / client deadline and it will probably be useful for development of future projects.