Friday, 1 April 2011

post production!

Boiled or fried has been filmed. Two days of studio shoots and 3 short days of location work. I have to say it has been very enjoyable and completely stress-free! It is half way through the edit and I am working on the real budget (along with work from two other modules, so it is not all relaxed). It is looking good so far!
Goathland was on Monday 6pm-9pm and it went dark very suddenly! We think we have managed to avoid any continuity problems with daylight so it shouldn't affect the finished film. At All Saints Church on Tuesday went well and the only issue really was the sound of buses outside, but we just re shot if a bus ruined it (we didn't have a lot of shots to do anyway). On Wednesday we filmed at Preston Park (the Victorian street) and the only issue again was to do with sound because there was a boiler or something near by which was very loud but I recorded wild track and the voices of the actors to cover us (even though music is going to be played over it is best to be safe). I am really excited to see the finished film!

I had my seminar presentation yesterday which went quite well. In my feedback I found that I came across nervous which is something I will work on for furture presentations (I just need to speak louder because I didn't feel nervous at all). I had a long conversation with Dennis from the LRC about British New Wave, Realism and Diegesis, which is what my essay is about, and he give me lots of information to look up. I took out a few more books and DVD's and I have found some useful Journals. A lady that came into the LRC overheard mine and Dennis' conversation and went to find me some information on more access to journals and told me to have a look at the available stuff from the Nottingham University website! I was very grateful that they went out of their way and spent time chatting to me about it. I have finished my plan, which is quite an in depth plan really, so it is all ready to type up.

I have emailed someone about some work on a film that is going to be made this summer. It is unpaid but it is local-ish and he said he is willing to work with students if they have experience. So I have sent him my CV and hopefully I will hear from him soon whether I have been recruited onto his crew or not. I have been looking for more work too as a lot of websites update regularly.

I had my feedback from multi-camera today and I am quite happy with my mark. It is not set in stone so it could go up or down slightly but I am looking at around a high 2:1. I agreed with what pulled me down from a first and I know what to change next time! I was told my research and folder was really good (especially my sound design paperwork)!

I have been keeping myself really busy. I have joined two pool teams (Rileys Angels and Cleveland County) and a band called Polachis. These committments on top of work and college have helped with my organisational skills and confidence! I am applying for the top up at Teesside even though I originally decided I didn't want to because I might regret it if I don't and it's too late. Plus, I can still build up my experience and look for work.

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