Monday, 28 February 2011

weekend specialism update

Last Thursday I was off ill but I managed to get a lot of work done.

We are meeting Richard, the equity actor, on Tuesday at 11am. I am going to catch Jen for a few minutes when she's available tomorrow because she is filming with Peter. We were meeting Angela for a hair and make-up practice on Monday at 4pm, which she rearranged to 5pm. I have had to text her to reschedule because we won't have much time with auditions which are being held tonight...

The railway sent an email with a few questions which I replied to. I am still waiting for their response.

Angela give me the number of an actor that she thinks would be ideal for the part of Harry. His name is Richard, but it is a different Richard. He isn't equity. He is very interested and we're meeting him on Tuesday at 5pm.

Sophie doesn't want an equity actor but I am not going to cancel any meetings just to be on the safe side.

Sophie went through the prop list with me and we ticked off more stuff that she has already got. I made a schedule over the weekend. It is only a rough version and it needs editing.

I have had a few replies from actors saying they cannot make it.

At the moment I am just waiting for emails and just doing general research and getting prepared for the shoot.

I am also going to start the work on my contextual studies seminar.

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