Wednesday, 27 April 2011

careers appointment 2!

On Thursday and Friday we were filming Jess' specialism. I was recording the sound. It went really well and I enjoyed it but I had to leave a little bit early both days (due to work and a gig). I stayed as long as possible though but unfortunately these were unavoidable circumstances.

I went to see the careers advisor again today. She gave me more information about things to get involved in. Since seeing her the first time I have registered with Voluntees, emailed a company about some experience (but they didn't have any available places), applied for an admin job at the University which is available for full time students of Teesside (which we were not sure if I was classed as, but I applied anyway), I applied for training at CVFM, applied to work on Click Radio, emailed Tees Music Alliance about volunteer work and got in contact with a festival being held in Stockton later this year. I am also applying for a filming project that is on the voluntees website. Hopefully some of these will respond to my requests. Jane (the advisor) also made notes on my CV's and give me a book about creative CVs to look at.

I am really glad I went to see her. It has helped clear my head and know a little bit more what I want to do in the future after only an hour and a half with her.

I have my Teesside University interview on May 17th so I am preparing for that. I have two more deadlines, one in a week and one the week after. Tomorrow I am going to try and book the equipment out so I can record some foley sound for my show reel (which I'm editing on Tuesday). If the equipment is available for me to book out, I am also going to take it to band practice on Thursday and set it up to record us rehearsing (anything to record some extra sound!)

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