Saturday, 22 January 2011

de rig / professional studies / live

On Thursday morning I joined some people in the studio who were starting the de-rig. We're getting assessed on our de rigging. I tidied up the gallery because it looked quite cluttered with scripts / pens etc. I put all paper in a big pile and didn't throw anything out so if anyone is looking for their work it is in there! I know some of it might have been very important. I then did the same in the sound booth. I boxed the radio mic's away and handed them back to Richard, I collected all the Dynamic & Rifle mic's, the stands and most of the cables (I couldn't access some because the set is in the way). I didn't think to wear some old clothes otherwise I would have helped with the painting! I walked in the studio wearing black and just saw about 5 people covered in white paint! I just cleaned what I could and then went upstairs to do some work.

In professional studies we were asked to lay our work out because we were going to go around each others graphic packages and give feedback. When I read the comments people made on mine, I agreed with them all (even though I didn't realise before the session what was missing) so it made me think how to improve it. The thing people commented about the most was that it was hard to read because of the colour and because it was too small. After the session I went on the computer and altered my logo slightly (with the help of Sam because I didn't know how to use photoshop properly, something I need to learn!). I made it darker, and removed the word 'productions' so that it was larger. I think I will keep the word productions in the title of my company but just not in my logo. This weekend I want to finish the design ready to take to staples or somewhere next week to be printed professionally.

This morning I was an extra for Sam's Wool Room Live Project. I am his Editor so if I went on his shoot I wouldn't have had a role so I volunteered to be a runner / extra. It involved me laying on a Wool Room duvet placed on the grass at Middlesbrough town centre on an icey day. As much as I regretted it at the time because I thought I was going to freeze to the floor, I am glad I helped out because I wouldn't like it if nobody helped me out one day just because of the weather conditions!

I have been experimenting with some software called Mixcraft 5. It is a music production software so that if I wanted to compose music for future projects I can. It also has a lot of royalty free sound effects for films. I don't know how useful it will be but it is fun regardless!

Lot's of deadlines coming up!
However, I paid for the London trip on Thursday so I am looking forward to that!

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