Friday, 7 January 2011

good news then bad news...

The sound design is complete. All I need to do is put the mics up then go through the sound design with the sound people. I went to Richard Popple to ask if I was doing the paper work correctly and he was amazed by what I had done and said it has been a very very long time since a student went as deep into the sound design as I have. So that has made me feel slightly good about it. I know there are going to be changes to the script but now theres paperwork there it won't take long to edit it slightly.

The very bad news was that Grace, my musical actor, dropped out yesterday. She told me she didn't read the contract or the schedules properly that I give her months ago. I remained in contact with her and asked her on a few occasions 'are you definitely still able to do the show' and she replied 'yes, definitely, I am looking forward to it'. So it wasn't my fault and it was something totally unexpected. I had a back up actor called Rachael. When we contacted her she said she would do it but then dropped out a few hours later.
I wasn't in the best of moods! I was very worried. The important thing was to find an actor, anyone, and fast!!!
I stayed up all night and contacted loads of people. Family members, Teesside University TV&film students, friends who go to performing groups, old friends that went to performing arts college... anyone I could get in contact with that time in the night.
My brothers friends friend (who has just graduated from Teesside with his degree in TV & film production) recommended a 'very reliable lady' called Hannah. I sent her an email and I received a text about ten minutes later saying she wanted to take part and would be available.

This morning when I mentioned hannahs name to Charlotte, she said 'I have worked with her before!!' and she confirmed that she is very reliable. We don't know if she will look the part (I don't know what she looks like yet) but at the moment things are looking good. We meet her tomorrow at 1430. Hopefully she won't be scared off (I am going to try and make her feel comfortable) and she will still be interested. (We are also having a crew meeting / rehearsal tomorrow at 11:00 - 14:30)

I thought Grace was going to be reliable (because she is almost like family to me) so it goes to show that anything can happen! So I am being very careful now and thinking of solutions for everything. Hopefully I don't need another back up but I think it is wise to have one anyway. Which is why we have got in contact with an equity actor that is in Peter Silks Waterwoman shoot. We don't know if Hannah can sing yet. This might be another thing that might put her off.

Fingers crossed though that Hannah will still be up for it and available and everything runs smoothly!
It has been a very hectic and emotional few days but it is less than two weeks away so we have to work hard and think logically /realistically. Important decisions are going to have to be made and team work at this stage is vital!

I am excited and nervous! I find this module fun and challenging at the same time! It reminds me of BBC Blast and producing the showcase. But this is bigger!

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