Yesterday we had a meeting at 09:30 where we raised any issues / questions and Sophie and Jess told us about a schedule they made for the run up to the show and after the show. We then went down and did some work. I had set up my mic's on Friday so it was just about setting levels etc.
We had a crew rehearsal before the actors arrived. It was an okay rehearsal. Not all sounds were on the IPod and some cues were missed but overall it flowed and finished on time. When the actors arrived they had a run through. I timed my section and it was over by 1 minute 30! So I have to make sure the actors speed up and I made a back up plan. The back up plan is if I need to go into the main song (to finish on time), I count Kass (floor manager) in and he does an air guitar for the actors which means stop acting from the script and just cut to main song. The sound issue was brought up about tapping on the witness stand. One of the actors is going to bring in some spare carpet on Wednesday. I did some painting and did some PA / sound notes till 21:00 then went home.
This morning I got on with work until the actors came. We had a full dress rehearsal. I had all my levels the same as yesterday so it was fine. There was a VT issue. No sound was playing. Everyone was asking me but I had everything set how it was supposed to so we're going to ask Richard about that in the morning (it was only the opening, everything else was fine). The sound was going okay until Childrens TV section. Half way through I cut Rosies and Mr Tiddlywinks mic off because there was too much banging so I used the back-up rifle mic on the ceiling. The sound improved a lot!... My PA role went really bad too. I had to count the main song in (which meant cutting some of the script) but as I was counting down I was interupted and my Director started to be the PA which confused everyone and made my timing go wrong. Peter and I had a talk about that though and we have it sorted so it won't happen on the live show. It affected Sophies section a little bit so it definitely can't happen!
My lighting role went well and camera went okay too.
After rehearsals I went in the sound room and changed the set up. I took out mic 6 and 7, put mic 8 in mic 6 then assigned all mic's to G7&8 so it is easier. The sound assisstant will find the song on the Ipod and play it when the sound person (who is wearing the head set) tells them to stand by and cue (which the PA will tell the sound person). I stuck tape all over the sound desk so that everyone knows what they can and can't press. It just prevents silly mistakes because after my section, I put all the levels down and when Karl was in the next, he thought he was ready and waiting but no sound could be heard because he didn't check the levels. This should be avoided in the live show with the tape there! I have also put signs saying do not touch the set up because as soon as we do a sound check, nothing can be altered. I updated the sound design paperwork and everything is simplified as much as possible!
I have to get my sheets binded in the morning that I have just printed. It has sound paperwork, PA notes then lighting notes so that during the live show I have everything I need in one pack. We are meeting at 09:00, the show starts at 16:00.
David (Stanley Buttons) should be coming tomorrow. He didn't reply to my email so I called him. He couldn't make it today because of the school run he had to do. He said he will try and get in for 12 tomorrow but might be 13:00. 12:00 is the new time for actors to arrive because we need technical run throughs more than cast rehearsals. Hannah (Christine Charles), my other actor that I am in charge of, seem's happy. I have been looking after her making sure she's comfortable and everything. She has done great in the rehearsals considering she only got the script less than two weeks ago!
I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am quite nervous but I am more excited about it!
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