Tuesday, 23 November 2010

lots to do...

I have about 6 to do lists right now so I have been very busy. The good news is that everything is falling into place for my live project which we are filming this Saturday. I have all of my locations (apart from an exterior shot of a school, but that can be filmed another day). I have nearly all of my actors apart from a NATHAN. But I am working on that. I have to make the actors packs, gather all of the props and costumes, and fill out the forms such as risk assessments, location information, release forms etc. But it is looking good. Hopefully it will keep going this way.

As for multi - camera. I heard today that our main actor has dropped out! This is really annoying news but these things happen so us producers are going to have to find another actor. I know Sophie and Jess have been working hard on that today, hopefully I can help tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do for this module too but thanks to my lists I can see what there is to do and there is not a greater feeling than crossing things off my to-do list! (at this moment in time)

Contextual studies and professional studies are going okay. I am not too worried about them because I have been working on them gradually.

As for Specialism, our proposals have to be in by Friday. So I need to think carefully about this.

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