Saturday, 30 October 2010

Last day of placement

Last night the band dropped out. I had hours to find another band. I got some contacts off contacts who gave me contacts to contacts, or something like that, and I found a band called The Rise. They didn't answer at first so I sent a text message. The replied at about 11pm saying they were interested. This was good news so I told them the details but I didn't want to build my hopes up because a few bands had already dropped out. But it just goes to show how important it is to just ask!!

This morning I was at BBC Tees for 08:00. I lost my voice so I couldn't say much which I am slightly gutted about but Lucy was with me so she said the majority of it. We met at centre square at 10:00. I made forms so I made sure everyone understood my way of organising the showcase (I was Producer and Floor Manager). I did this on top of the front of house work, filing, signing people into workshops and coming up with a new running order. It was a lot of work but I loved it! I had to take control and make a showcase from nothing which was a big challenge. The showcase started on time, it ran as planned, the audience were entertained and everything flowed. The band I got arrived on time and they were very good! We also got some young men that attended a dance workshop to do a Parkour act. We cleared the marquee where the showcase was held and they were doing back flips, side flips and other tricks that looked amazing. We had other acts too and some short films / animations. When the show was over and the compare thanked everyone it hit me that I had successfully organised my first ever live event. That feeling is the best! It is definitely going to help me with the Multi-camera module at college because I will be under that pressure and its good practice. I am going to miss placement with BBC Blast. I really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed working with the people I was working with! I have gained so much more confidence and learned a lot in the three weeks. Thank you to everyone...

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