Saturday, 30 October 2010

Last day of placement

Last night the band dropped out. I had hours to find another band. I got some contacts off contacts who gave me contacts to contacts, or something like that, and I found a band called The Rise. They didn't answer at first so I sent a text message. The replied at about 11pm saying they were interested. This was good news so I told them the details but I didn't want to build my hopes up because a few bands had already dropped out. But it just goes to show how important it is to just ask!!

This morning I was at BBC Tees for 08:00. I lost my voice so I couldn't say much which I am slightly gutted about but Lucy was with me so she said the majority of it. We met at centre square at 10:00. I made forms so I made sure everyone understood my way of organising the showcase (I was Producer and Floor Manager). I did this on top of the front of house work, filing, signing people into workshops and coming up with a new running order. It was a lot of work but I loved it! I had to take control and make a showcase from nothing which was a big challenge. The showcase started on time, it ran as planned, the audience were entertained and everything flowed. The band I got arrived on time and they were very good! We also got some young men that attended a dance workshop to do a Parkour act. We cleared the marquee where the showcase was held and they were doing back flips, side flips and other tricks that looked amazing. We had other acts too and some short films / animations. When the show was over and the compare thanked everyone it hit me that I had successfully organised my first ever live event. That feeling is the best! It is definitely going to help me with the Multi-camera module at college because I will be under that pressure and its good practice. I am going to miss placement with BBC Blast. I really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed working with the people I was working with! I have gained so much more confidence and learned a lot in the three weeks. Thank you to everyone...

Friday, 29 October 2010

Found a band!

After finding out the band we were going to use couldn't make it we were left to find another at short notice. I had been given the role of producer because it will benefit me the most because of college. When I arrived home from placement last night I spent a few hours searching. I found a good local band that are expecting to write their album early next year. They are desperate for gigs and when I got in contact with the guitarist he was really excited and said yes before I finished my sentence! This is what we want! So I am pleased that all the hours calling people for contacts paid off. BBC Blast main event day two today. I am supposed to be on front of house all day, I enjoyed it yesterday so fingers crossed today runs as smoothly!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

main event! BBC Blast

Yesterday we went to the site where the main event is and met the team. We went through everything we need to know.
Today was day 1 of the main event. It went really really well! I was on front of house until 14:30. At this time I was put into the songwriting workshop so that more than one adult were with the teenagers at all times. The workshop was run by Carl Pemberton from Journey south. It was really interesting. The idea was to write the beginning of a song and record it in just two hours.
John was pleased about how the day went.
I am looking forward to tomorrow!

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Saturday... and last week of placement monday week 3 tomorrow

I can't believe that two weeks have already gone and it is nearly over!

Yesterday on the BAT van was successful. It was very cold and it was raining at first but as town got busier, the temperature raised and it stopped raining, we had a lot of interest and people signing up!

Today was our day off so I have been relaxing and doing some research on sound design for my multi camera module. I found some example paper work on the internet that might be useful!
Tomorrow Andy and I have to go to three Boro Buzz events and promote BBC Blast. We're going to Prissick Plaza in the morning, Albert park for a kmx bike race activity then Hollywood bowl later in the day. Now that the BAT van has finished it is just about promoting it further as much as possible. We also have the showcase to finish planning!

Friday, 22 October 2010

Today we were at CCAD then at Eston Park School. Its been a fun day, it's getting easier now the more we do it. Now to do some college work then sleep. Tomorrow should be fun! We are going to be in town all day on the BAT van.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Interesting day

We were at Oakfields this morning, the pupils were very curious when they saw the van. They seemed to enjoy themselves and we did really well promoting the main even! After we finished at that school we went to St Marys college. We had our dinner and set up. Then we went to spread the word about the van and got lots of people to check it out. One of the groups that were organised to come down were a media group. My old media teacher came down with them so I was talking to her. She offered me a work placement observing and helping out in her lessons! I have emailed her about this and I am just waiting for a reply. It was nice to see her again because every time she came to CCAD I was out filming or doing other tasks.
I went on the two talks that I volunteered to do for John. It didn't take long, just a bit of extra promotion work. He told me that the bookings were really really good today so I am very happy!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

first day of workshops BBC Blast

We met at Nunthorpe school at 7am this morning so that we could spend all morning training. The team went through everything we needed to know and then after lunch we started. I enjoyed teaching. It's challenging, fun and rewarding! The pupils looked like they were really enjoying themselves and some of them wanted to find out more about the events so I am pleased about that!
Now I am doing some blast work and ccad work before an early night for an early start again tomorrow. I am looking forward to it though!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

weekend / live / placement

This weekend I have been soooo busy with so many projects / modules / placement tasks to think about. not that I am complaining though, I love it... I also managed a little bit of time to re arrange and change my room so this year I can be super organised! My live client is really excited about the project, he intends to do big things with our finished short. I am going to be a bit of a perfectionist and hopefully won't annoy my crew too much! same with other modules of course.
I am at placement in the morning so I better get some sleep anyway!

Friday, 15 October 2010

day 5 update

I spoke to Steve from the bully campaign today and told him that my pitch was chosen. He is very happy and has made it clear that if I need anything he will do his best to help. I have explained to him that I am currently on placement but that I will have a meeting with him the first week in November. I am going to call my live crew later today after the email I tried to send them failed and I lost it!
I have a meeting with Andy and Lucy at Starbucks in town at 3pm to start planning the showcase we're organising. I have volunteered to go on radio Tees on the morning of the showcase to promote it! I have also volunteered to do an extra event next Thursday. I don't think I have ever been this busy in my entire life! but its great. Really enjoying it!
I have also been thinking about next year. I am considering something but I don't know if it is possible yet so I need to think it through and get as much advise as possible!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Thursday, day 4

The first task of the day was to give an assembly at Tollesby school. I picked up Lucy and we got there for the 8:50am talk. It was quite a small group and because I did an assembly the other day I felt comfortable and more relaxed. After we spoke to the pupils about BBC Blast we went to meet everyone at BBC Tees for a meeting. A new girl was there called Natalie. While the others had things to do that Lucy and I had already done, we went to collect flyers and passes and we went to the uni to give out flyers. I suggested we moved from the uni to Middlesbrough college, because people in that area will be more likely to be our target. We didn't go on the college property because we didn't have permission but we stood where all the students walk into town. We completely ran out of leaflets within ten minutes and people were genuinely interested. After this we set off to Oakfields to give another assembly. This was definitely the best assembly we have done. It flowed really well, we were both relaxed and enthusiastic about the events. At the end a lot of pupils came over for leaflets and to ask questions! Very pleased with that.
Now I am home and doing more college work!
Jess met me yesterday so that I could give her my budget money, crews have been sorted for the live project and even though my to-do list is almost two sides of A4 it is manageable and I am really enjoying it! I just have to catch up on technical demonstrations and workshops when I return from placement. 

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

day 1 and 2 BBC Blast placement

On Monday it was my first day on placement. We spent the first few hours introducing ourselves to each other and talking about what is going to happen over the three weeks. I found out that well over 100 people applied and only four of us were given the opportunity. John is the team leader and is from BBC Blast, Andy is on my course at CCAD, Lucy is a student at Teesside studying TV and Film and Helen studied graphic design. We found out what needs to be done then did a health and safety course on the BBC network. After this we went to meet the people from Boro Buzz who we will be working with. It was a long day but it was interesting and I am excited about what is to come!

On Tuesday I picked up Helen and we made our way to Oakfields Community College. We arrived a few hours early so that we could prepare and practice. I used to attend this school so it was exciting to be back and see my old teachers! The assembly went well. One pupil came up to us after to ask some questions so the assembly must have interested them. I was nervous but now that I have done it I am not nervous about Thursdays assembly because I know what to expect!
After I dropped Helen off, I went straight to college in time for the auditions! I asked a few people to turn up and I created the Facebook group a few weeks ago but only 4 people in total turned up. however, I wouldn't say it was unsuccessful because I think I have found my actor for the musical section! I asked Grace to attend but I was amazed at her confidence and talent during her audition!

Today I did my research that John asked me to do, did some catching up on college work and dropped off some posters at a school. Its been a busy day. I also found out that my pitch for the Live project was chosen so I am happy about that!

Monday, 11 October 2010

BBC Placement

About a month ago I applied for BBC Blast Middlesbrough. I was short listed and asked to attend an interview. I was offered a place on the placement which involves planning, promoting and running an event for 13-19 year old in my area. The aim is to inspire young people to be more creative and learn new skills.

Today will be my first day and I have to be there at 0930. I am very excited and wonder how the day will unfold! It is going to be a challenge alone just keeping on top of my modules while I am away for these three weeks but I am confident I can do it if I keep in touch with everybody!

I also put an event on Facebook about a week ago advertising the auditions for the Multi-camera project. In just one week it had been passed to more than one hundred people. This proves it could be an effective way of promoting an event!! But on the other hand, not many people agreed to attend. At least it got a few people interested!!!


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Professional Studies

Today in Professional Studies we were encouraged to set up a blog which will give us the opportunity to track the progress we make on the course and as a way to communicate with each other if we have any problems.
