Friday, 5 October 2012

ARCANE 39 - I HAVE ANOTHER (music video)

Some rehearsal footage to our song 'I Have Another'... The only involvement I had in this was playing my guitar! Edited by Peter (lead guitar) and filmed by his girlfriend, Sam.

It's just to get the word spread about Arcane 39!

Listen to our music on Facebook - and give us a 'like' if you like!


Saturday, 8 September 2012

since leaving uni

Had a very busy year. I finished all my uni projects and I graduate in November with a 2:1. I'm quite happy with that grade considering uni wasn't my main priority this year. What could be more important than my final year? The first step towards my career :) I'm a Special for NYP so since January I've committed a lot of my time training and learning on the job. So I had to fit in uni, kickboxing, two jobs, the pool county team I play for, volunteering, band practice and policing into my schedule (as well as keeping some form of social life). Wasn't easy but wouldn't change anything!

My band is called ARCANE 39 and we have just recently recorded our demo which can be heard here....
We have had some great feedback! Would be good to hear what you think.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Finished filming Closing Race - Major Project

Wednesday: we were filming the training scenes at Clairville Stadium with the young Jess character and her trainer. It was a very cold day so we made sure we went into the building for hot drinks regularly so the actors were not uncomfortable. The day went well.

Thursday: my actor came from Newcastle so we met her at the train station to film the interview scene at the stadium and then we went to the university to record the voice over. I had to pay this actor because she was from an agency but we only needed her for 2 and a half hours so it wasn't too expensive!

Friday: we filmed the school corridor scene, handing out petitions scene and bedroom scenes on Friday. We ran to schedule and everything went to plan. I then went to hand the equipment back into the university and I transferred all of the audio and video files to the edit suite and hard drive.

I am helping Sophie film next week and I am Producing Charlotte's film which we are filming on the 5th, 6th and 7th. We are then editing on the 8th, 12th, 13th and 14th.

I also have a deadline this Wednesday coming up for my marketing plan which is almost finished. I was given an extension because I was ill for nearly two weeks with a flu and chest infection and my Internet went down for a while (great timing).

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Since October I have been busy with a number of uni projects. I finished my business plan for Reel Tees Music that is like an agency for musicians and venues. I got a provisional 2:1 grade band for that and it is worth 40% of a 20 credit module so I am happy with this. I had my feedback from my live project that I recorded sound for (MMA film) and the group got 83% for that production which I am really happy about. I wrote a 5000 word essay on current issues in the media (mine was about music piracy) but we haven't received our marks for that module yet. Now I am working on my marketing plan and the major project production. I have been filming today for the Closing Race, a docu-drama about the closure of Clairville Stadium. Today was the voice over work and the interview, yesterday we filmed at the track and tomorrow we are filming on location. It is going well so far, after this we are filming Charlottes film Perfection. I am producing for my major project so I might look into producing someone elses' project too.

I have been recruited into something that I have wanted to do all of my life so at the moment I am training for that and keeping on top of uni work. The band is going well, I recorded a live acoustic demo at last nights band practice and it sounds good! I am also setting up a business and training three times a week at kickboxing on top of work but keeping busy keeps me motivated!!
Tees Music Alliance want me to start working with them in May because they said someone with my skills can bring a lot to the organisation! I would have been starting straight away but they looked at my schedule and thought realistically I don't have the time at the moment but they want to defer my start date. I am excited about this even if it is unpaid because it could lead to more opportunities.