Tuesday, 22 March 2011


So after the first two studio shoots with Boiled or Fried everything looks like it is coming together. The edit apparently looks great! So I cannot wait to see it!

Today and yesterday I was recording sound for Jess's specialism.
The sound stopped working yesterday and I had to go to Richard where it started working again! This was quite annoying but it has been the only issue so far regarding sound.

We have been given a week extention on our presentations and essays because tomorrows lesson is cancelled. My presentation was supposed to be tomorrow. I have done mine on props and locations using existing films as a case study aligning in terms of Realist theory and diegesis.

I have just been working on my professional studies and contextual studies folder as the second part of Boiled or Fried is up to date.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

studio shoot finished!!

On Monday and Tuesday we had our studio shoots for Boiled or Fried. They went really well and the actors were amazing. It was a very relaxed shoot and the only problems we seemed to have came down to changing the batteries and putting the footage on the Mac when the P2 card was full.

I recorded the sound in stereo for the first time ever. I asked Richard how to do it and ended up using tie wraps to cross the rifle mics over each other. I kept the sound log and put down what I did for each shot and the timecodes. The track and dolly caused a few sound issues but we managed to get around it by trying different positions. We finished early on Monday because the card was full but because we had a big day scheduled for Tuesday we weren't panicing. Tuesday we finished about 30 minutes before we were scheduled to finish which was good.

I think the shoot went really well and we have had a preview of some of the shots on the edit and the sound and camera look good. I can't wait to film the locations and see the edit come together.

I am recording the sound for Jess's Specialism next week. I also have my presentation next Wednesday.

I am going to get some extra sounds recorded for both films to add to the edit eg, sound of a clock.

The location shoots are on the 28th, 29th and 30th March. I was considering doing another specialism and record a band but I have decided against this at this time because we have so much going on I would rather work harder on the projects I am currently committed to.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

first day of specialism production tomorrow

This past week has been mainly preparing for the studio shoot tomorrow and Tuesday. We have been looking around for props, I bought Harrys suit, we put the set up and I made all of the schedules. I have told the actors to come in for 11:30 because it will give us enough time to dress the set. I am looking forward to it! I have just finished the schedules for Tuesdays shoot so I can hand them out tomorrow.

I think we are all ready to go. It will be tight trying to get everything into the two days but I am confident we can do it. Everyone knows what is going on so lets hope it all goes to plan.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

mainly an update on specialism

So... with the locations secured, actors secured and equipment booked, I just need to finish the paper work (call sheets etc) and email them out. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. After the lesson with Mike, Sophie and I are going to the 1950s charity shop which is in Darlington. I am going to have a look for both specialism and contextual studies because my seminar presentation is going to be on props for old films.

I also need to visit Preston Park tomorrow to have my location release form signed. I have permission by email but I want to do everything properly.

Then when we come back to college we will be starting on the set build.

We were supposed to go to the Charity shop full of 50's items and costumes on Tuesday but I agreed to reschedule it because Sophie was very busy (she is working on more projects than me, had her presentation to finish and probably a lot more things).

Today we watched some seminar presentations and then I filled in the national students survey. I have also nearly completed my UCAS form for my application to Teesside University.

I received some news this morning that I have been selected for my jury service. I have requested for it to be deferred and I hope they grant me the permission as I have major projects due at the same time as they expect me to serve. Fingers Crossed.

On Monday I went prop shopping with Sophie and Jess down town. We didn't end up buying anything but it has give me a good idea for when I go shopping at the end of the week.

Yesterday we had a session with Di and we did work on character development etc which was helpful.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

meeting with the other actor and location update!

At 5pm yesterday we had a meeting with the other Richard. He was perfect for the role. He had done a similar scene with our main female actor before a few years ago and they are friends so they will work great together! He is free, flexible, he doesn't care what we do to his hair for the film, he is friendly, very interested and experienced. We decided to cast him so I had the job of emailing the other Richard to say sorry but you didn't get the part.

After Richard left I went down to the studio to ask Jen (who was in college for Peters project) to fill in the costume size form, contact information and the contract. We arranged to do it there and then so that she could save a journey.

This morning I woke up to an email from NYRM with permission to film at Goathland!
I emailed a location release form which she is going to sign and email back. They are very friendly and helpful!

At college Kass, Jo and Steve had their contextual studies seminar presentations. I have an idea of what to do and I'm quite looking forward to making a start on mine this weekend.

I emailed the Church that Sophie wanted and have received permission to film there. I have arranged with them to get my release form signed tomorrow or Friday if I cannot make it tomorrow.

I am going to call Preston Park tomorrow to ask them for permission to film on the old fashioned street they have.

I emailed Jen the day we're filming because on the contract it said 28th, 29th or 30th March. But now Goathland have confirmed we now know we're filming on Monday 28th.

It has been a good few days, we have all of our actors and all but one of our locations. The main thing now is that we need to go prop shopping and Costume shopping. Everything is on the schedule though so it's running smoothly. Lets hope it keeps that way!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

meeting more actors and the Teesside talk

This morning I came in early to print off the script for the actor and to start the updated schedule. I met Richard at reception at 11am and we went to the seminar room to have a chat with Sophie (the Director). He read a line so we had an idea if he was good for the part. He is an equity actor with quite a bit of experience.

We had someone from Teesside University come in to talk to us about the third year. He showed us a few films and told us how to apply.

I printed off the forms for Jen and Richard, two actors that I am meeting this evening. Jen has already got the role of Sarah because we have worked with her before and know she is ideal. We are meeting Richard for the first time so the role of Harry will go to one of the Richards that we will have met by the end of today.
I have give Sophie a contract and some questions for her dad to fill in because he is our Vicar.

In one of the films shown earlier today was a street location which was filmed at Preston Park. This is a potential location for us so I will get in contact with them about that.

I have a second version of the schedule. It is not complete yet but it gives a good idea of what needs to be done each day.